Narrative Text : Friend from Swedish

This morning, 23rd April 2019. I headed to campus from home to attend softskill english business class. I arrived 15 minutes early, because i think there will be massive traffic on the way. but, roads are clear, i dont know why. As you know, my home is from central jakarta, and this class is held in Depok city which is different city that take 1 hour 30 minutes by motorcycle. 

When arrived in class. As usually there is no one. Only Khairunnisaa and me. 15 minutes later, our miss showed up. But she was accompanied by somebody, a women, same height as her, maybe same age too, long hair, but with blue eyes and pale skin. Yes, our miss bring a foreigner to class. 

As soon miss start the class. I was nervous, i am nervous because i think it would be difficult to listen to foreigner. Before she introduce herself, we should introduce first one by one. I sat in last order so i introduced last. That nervous was missing because it turns out i fluently introduce myself. After i’m introduce myself. She start introduce herself. And i’m afraid i’m not understand what she said. But suprisingly i could understand what she said. I think it is because her accent is from swedish. Her english is so clear. 

Her name is Alexandra, her nationality is swedish, but she live in Berlin, Germany. She is exchange student from.. i don’t exactly know the school name she is from. It’s difficult to remember. I’m suprised that she is same age as our miss which is 25 years old. Actually i am suprised to our miss is 25 years old. Both have very young face. In indonesia, she study at Gunadarma as exchange student. Sadly, she doesn’t have a friend here. Because she is the only one exhange student in this year. Interestingly is, she is a vegetarian. So it’s hard to eat in indonesia. Because everything is meat. But one thing that she love from indonesian food which is gado gado. It’s perfect for vegetarian. 

Our class more exiciting after she introduce herself. Many of my friend are very curious about her. Because many of them find she is beautiful, and yes it turns out she is a model and influencer. Our miss start guiding us and her friend to have a conversation in english and indonesia. Every person must ask 5 question in english and indonesia. 

I lost my intention to follow this class after all my friend always make funny of her. I’m not even participate in conversation. Because class too noisy. I chose to silent in class. Beside that, my throat start to itchy and i’m cough continuously. Class so cold. These new air conditioner makes me unfocus. I only listening class but not participate in them. 

Actually i want to know more about her. It is rare to find foreigner in this campus. I want to have more serious experience with foreigner to exercise my english speaking skill. But today i dont have intention to study. One day only one class, and it’s only 2 hours. After that, headed home. It’s very tiring. Plus class doesn’t condusive. So, i’m too lazy today. 

Finally, class ended. She share her instagram account, and we take photos together to make some memories. Today is interesting day for my life to meet foreigner. But i am not use this experience maximumly. It is regretful, but life doesn’t end here. Many foreigner in indonesia that i could meet and have conversation with them. I chose to not follow her instagram. I don’t know why. I only meet her in one day, and think she doesn’t know me who i am in that class. so it is not necessary to follow her.
